CAST offers expert consultancy and trainings around mental health, incident planning, and emergency response…


CAST can develop and deliver bespoke training sessions to organisations, including on how to recognise and manage trauma and potentially traumatic stress. Contact us at [email protected] to enquire.

We aim to improve the knowledge and skills of not only healthcare staff but also professionals working for other agencies. Providing training for non-specialists will help integrate trauma awareness into everyday practice.

Whilst much attention has been paid to training specialist therapists to treat PTSD and other trauma spectrum disorders, most of the response to major incidents is delivered by non-specialists (e.g. emergency services, law enforcement) – and the scale of many major incidents means it is unrealistic to have a response based only on trauma specialists. Building knowledge of how to respond to and manage trauma into the everyday skills of non-specialists has to be a central aim of healthcare systems.


CAST brings together wide range of trauma expertise into a consultancy offer to the wider healthcare system and to organisations outside healthcare, both in the UK and internationally. We can offer expert advice and guidance on addressing the mental health and wellbeing needs of individuals and communities; contact us at [email protected] to enquire.

CAST can offer advice and guidance on preparing for and coordinating the mental health response to major incidents and health emergencies. CAST draws expertise from the development and delivery of mental health services and support following major incidents, and also of responding to health emergencies, including the HIV/AIDS crisis and most recently the COVID-19 pandemic.

We can assist organisations in the UK and internationally to develop frameworks for incident preparedness and for coordination and delivery of care, including by first responders and non-specialists.


If you have a question or would like to work with CAST email us at [email protected]

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